How I Switched from iOS to Android and I’m Enjoying It

How I Switched from iOS to Android and I’m Enjoying It

Recently I was so disappointed by Apple that I decided to switch from iOS to Android. I was an iPhone user for many years, starting from the iPhone 3G. I always loved the image of Apple as a maker of products for the creative professionals?—?designers, visual artists, musicians: “the troublemakers, the rebels”. But I think this narrative is now over, and Apple lost its touch with their former main user base. They are now all about money and they are focusing on making “premium” products for the rich people, and that's it. Good for them. Now every middle manager want to use a MacBook in their mostly PCs companies, because it’s a symbol of status today. And they are using it to just run Outlook and Microsoft Office.

Remember Vertu? The company, which was selling shitty phones in gold for the rich? It’s now bankrupt.
While prices for the Apple’s devices went up, the quality of their software hit unpredictable lows. iOS 11 has so many bugs it’s unbelievable, not to mention the recent serious security problems with MacOS and HomeKit.

And of course there’s the situation with slowing down old devices on purpose. With recent software updates Apple decided to slow down devices with old batteries to prevent the plague of unexpected shutdowns.

They are saying it’s to deliver better experience to the users. But it’s like treating desintery with cholera, and without patient’s consent.
After Apple’s apology many people are ready to forgive them, but I think this is serious and needs legal investigation. (They will have some trouble because of it in the European Union at least, because we still care about customer rights here.) There were no unexpected shutdowns with iPhones 3G or 4. I was using my iPhone 4 for almost 4 years without such problems. And while there is a battery replacement program for some iPhones 6s (up to 3 years after the purchase), why not for the iPhones 6 and later models, if they are affected with the same problem?

I don’t believe in planned obsolescence conspiracy, but I think there is something not quite right with power management in iOS 11 on older devices, which Apple don’t want to admit. Apple is a capitalist machine looking for infinite growth and they are always focusing on new devices and new features. Last year things are already obsolete for them. Perhaps they didn’t have time to test properly on older devices in real life situations, and they didn’t care, because it’s not a priority for them, and deadlines to deliver new stuff are tight. And now they are paying the price for it.

I still prefer MacOS to Windows, and it’s hard for me to leave this platform, because a lot of software I use is available only on the Mac (like Sketch). But I’ve decided that my new mobile device will be an Android device, and so far I’m happy with it.

WRITTEN By DH DH KUIFANYA SIMU YAKO IWE NA UWEZO KUPITA IPHONEE X NA KUTUMIA MB ZA BURE BONYEZA APA CHINI During its two year run, the project will award approximately 100 major reporting grants and provide mentoring to support the best ideas for stories on development issues. Journalists who produce the best stories published or broadcasted in media that reach African audiences, will win a major international reporting trip. During its two year run, the project will award approximately 100 major reporting grants and provide mentoring to support the best ideas for stories on development issues. Journalists who produce the best stories published or broadcasted in media that reach African audiences, will win a major international reporting trip.